willing to look at and understand things which are new to them or in conflict with their own ignorance and narrow prejudices.
The secret of these men is that they are transvestites. have such feelings for women that they emulate them. They have many of your attitudes toward life. Upon occasion they enjoy ex- pressing these attitudes by wearing lovely feminine clothing. Please do not jump to conclusions and misunderstand. The men we are talking about are NOT homosexual, The exact opposite is true. One prominant psychiatrist has described them as being "normal,plus" They love women so much that they like to imitate them in private.
The enclosed article by our Editor, Charles Prince. himself a happily married man, a father, a Ph.D. and a transvestite, will tell you more about this subject. If, after reading this article you think that you could accept and appreciate and understand a man who can offer you much in the way of understanding, we will arrange for you to contact one or several by mail. In the first few letters.... ....until you learn more about them.... your name will not be given to them nor their names to you. We will protect the anonymity of both. The revelation of names between correspondents will be entirely up to them. In the meantime all letters will be forwarded between correspondents by means of our forwarding service called "CONTACT".
Don't make a hasty decision.... but if you think that you have an open mind and would like to know more about men of this type just send us your name and address. By return mail you will re- ceive a list of some of our subscribers. It will give you their description, age, education, occupation, etc. There will be no follow up letters, no promotions. We are not trying to make money on people or push folks together, just trying to bring compatible people into acquaintance with each other. One last word! Many women achieve happy marriages, but few people have the opportunity of making another person as happy as you now have and of enjoying the rewards of such happiness themselves. There is no more appre- ciative, adoring husband than a transvestite whose wife understands and loves him. Such a husband can be yours.
The AD: "There is a' particular group of men who have even more to offer a wife than usually expected. Would you be interested in
learning more about men who would make you prouder of being a woman than ever before? Write for free folder describing these men and telling you how to contact them. No charge to you at any time."